Iconic F1 track at risk as renovation work delayed and Stefano Domenicali turns up heat

Famous F1 track in danger as redesign work deferred and Stefano Domenicali turns up heat
Monza has been a F1 #1 for a really long time, as has the Italian Excellent Prix, yet Stefano Domenicali has indicated disappointment over the absence of redesign work at the popular old track
F1’s top manager neglected to ensure the Italian Great Prix’s future on the game’s schedule notwithstanding claims that an agreement expansion is up and coming.
Monza, which dates back more than a century and is still one of the sport’s most recognizable venues, is still visited annually. What’s more, its ongoing arrangement ensures a race at the Sanctuary of Speed until something like 2025.
That implies two races in Italy consistently up to that point as the Imola track which has the Emilia Romagna Excellent Prix has an agreement of a similar length. In any case, Monza’s place in F1’s arrangements past that date are less sure.
Angelo Sticchi Damiani, the leader of the Italian Car Club, as of late made out like expansions for the two races were a convention. Furthermore, F1 CEO Stefano Domenicali has affirmed that talks are for sure advancing.
Yet, he avoided concurring that restorations are around the bend. A specific staying point with respect to the Italian Stupendous Prix is by all accounts postpones in redesign work that was because of start at the Monza track months prior.
“We are for sure haggling with Monza and Imola about a potential agreement expansion,” he told Italian news source Rai. ” I’m in great contact with the motorsport league in Italy, yet the work at Monza should begin after the Stupendous Prix yet hasn’t begun in December. It ought to now begin soon.
“My tension is valuable, yet inner organizations ought not be ready to stop specific ventures. We need to move with the times. In 2020 Imola was offered an unprecedented chance and they were prepared for it. Unfortunately, the floods prevented us from racing there this year.
“We are anticipating dashing there again one year from now, yet you likewise need to comprehend that we can’t contribute all the more secretly. Everything revolves around understanding our country’s readiness to put resources into F1 as a wearing, special and business stage, since Equation 1 can never again be secretly made due.”
Domenicali had recently clarified how significant he feels those redesigns are to Monza’s future in F1. He said toward the beginning of September: ” They confirmed to me that the facility’s necessary renovations will begin following the 2023 Grand Prix. It’s a significant stage, on the grounds that one year from now giving indications of improvement is fundamental.
“The historical backdrop of Monza is certainly, yet we additionally need to stay aware of the times as far as administrations, which should be in accordance with the costs paid by the people who come to the circuit. Inside the following year, we will have clear thoughts regarding what’s in store.”