F1 star announces shock championship bid

Valtteri Bottas has uncovered that he is hoping to meet all requirements for the 2024 UCI Rock Big showdowns, subsequent to conceding that he views his cycling extremely in a serious way.
The Finn, who couldn’t challenge Lewis Hamilton for Equation 1 big showdowns when the pair were together at Mercedes between 2017-2021, as of late delivered an image on his virtual entertainment showing him riding his bicycle around Australia.
After posing for a number of nude photos to fill a 2024 calendar for charity last month and being compared to a cricket legend while running along a California beach, he is undoubtedly making the most of his winter break.
Presently, apparently he’s taking his cycling leisure activity to a higher level, endeavoring to fit the bill for the UCI Rock Big showdowns that are occurring in Belgium in October of the following year.
Bottas viewing cycling in a serious way
In spite of the overwhelming 2024 F1 schedule, Bottas has guaranteed fans that his groundwork for this occasion won’t obstruct his F1 exhibitions.
“I truly do view [races] in a serious way, and will continuously go out to challenge myself and capitalize on it,” he told the Bobby and Jens webcast about his freshly discovered enthusiasm.
Bottas would need to complete in the top 25% of riders in his 35-39 age classification at a UCI Rock Worldwide championship occasion one year from now to meet all requirements for the October grandstand, and as of now has one race set apart down on his schedule for the following month.
“Whether it’s outcome, strategically or normal speed I bet everything. I wouldn’t fret harming myself. I similar to it. I will attempt to meet all requirements for the rock universes one year from now.
When asked about whether cycling interferes with Formula One, he stated, “[The Adelaide event] is in January, so I’m going to Australia for Christmas so it works perfectly.”
“I’ll complete my days off… or on the other hand cycling season!”