GOOD NEWS: Indianapolis colts have been hit with unexpected good news

GOOD NEWS: Indianapolis colts have been hit with unexpected good news

Foals’ Anthony Richardson planned to start tossing one month from now

Indianapolis Foals quarterback Anthony Richardson is planned to start tossing one month from now as a piece of his recovery program, he told journalists Thursday.

Richardson has been recuperating since going through season-finishing shoulder a medical procedure to fix a Grade 3 AC joint injury, a physical issue he endured during the Week 5 win over the Tennessee Titans.

He updated the media on his rehabilitation progress and stated that he anticipates returning to throwing within the next month.

“Consistently I’m attempting to push the coaches to go somewhat more earnestly with me so I can return to tossing and get back on the field. Everything is smooth at this moment. I’m energized. I’m simply prepared to begin tossing once more,” Richardson said Thursday. ” I know it’s soon. Being at some point one month from now is assumed. However, I don’t have an accurate date at this moment, yet at whatever point that day comes, I’ll be attempting to illuminate it.”

In spite of his naiveté entering the association, Richardson showed a great deal of commitment as a passer during the brief time frame he was on the field in 2023. He finished 59.5% of his passes for 577 yards, three scores, one capture attempt and a 87.3 passer rating.

His ability to surge was clear even before the Yearlings drafted him No. 4 generally speaking, and he put that on full showcase taking 25 conveys for 136 surging yards and four scores.

Expecting Richardson will start a tossing program during the long stretch of February, it’s not the least bit challenging to envision him being prepared for minicamp and OTAs, which don’t start until April. Since it has not yet been confirmed that he will be ready for the offseason workouts, that would be pure speculation at this point.

With Richardson at the helm, the Colts have a bright future ahead of them. However long he can remain solid, and the front office can keep adding weapons to the offense, they’ll be an exceptionally serious group in 2024.


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