Former Browns Coach Has Clear Message About Kevin Stefanski Changes

Former Cleveland Browns running backs coach Stump Mitchell didn’t get much camera time in his four seasons here.
He is making up for it with a wide range of media appearances since Kevin Stefanski dismissed him, and Mitchell has had nothing but positive things to share about the Browns’ situation.
Among the topics he weighed in on is Stefanski’s play-calling duties, as shared by the BIGPLAY Cleveland Show on Twitter.
Stefanski has frequently gotten under the skin of fans as being excessively difficult to change his sideline job.
Fans are quick to demand a new playcaller, especially when the offense appears predictable or sluggish.
Mitchell is having no part of that discussion.
“I wouldn’t surrender play calling on the off chance that I was Kevin. I think he is one of the most mind-blowing I’ve at any point been near.”
What’s more, Stump has been near, as he looks for his 6th NFL training position in a 43-year playing and training football life.
In any case, Mitchell likewise offered a scrutinize of how Stefanski could be far superior in 2024.
He told the BIGPLAY’s Scratch Pedone that the lead trainer can change how he calls plays for quarterback Deshaun Watson.
Calling plays like Stefanski used to call for Kirk Cousins and as of late for Joe Flacco would work well for the Tans.
Watson is a previous passing boss, posting north of 4,800 yards in the 2020 season.
Mitchell accepts Watson can run the offense Stefanski utilized over the Joe Flacco stretch.
He says that if the player is willing and able to adapt to the Stefanski offense, there is no need to change the player.
That is not the typical way of getting things done, but rather Mitchell accepts Watson can flourish in that sort of assault.