Why Skip Bayless’ remarks about Deion Sanders’ race sparked controversy.

Why Skip Bayless’ remarks about Deion Sanders’ race sparked controversy.

When a user questioned whether Deion Sanders’ Colorado Buffaloes were “Black America’s team,” Skip Bayless received divisive responses.

His “Undisputed” co-hosts offered their opinions.

Since taking over as head coach in late 2022, NFL Hall of Famer Deion Sanders has increased the Colorado Buffaloes’ profile on a national level.
Questions about why this is have risen in popularity along with the team.
Skip Bayless, a seasoned sports commentator, specifically inquired as to which demographics the team appeals to.

In a post on social media on September, Bayless questioned, “Is Deion’s Colorado now Black America’s Team?”.
26 pointing out that he was talking about it on his FOX Sports program Undisputed.
His followers’ reactions to the post were divided, with some questioning whether it was appropriate for him to generalize about the sports preferences of all Black Americans.

Although the context was missing from his post, making it appear to be his own words, the tweet was in reference to a discussion on Undisputed where Bayless was quoting an article by Black USA Today sports writer Mike Freeman.

The idea that the team has become the official squad of “Black America” wasn’t just due to Sanders’ race, according to co-hosts Richard Sherman and Keyshawn Johnson during the discussion.
Instead, they credited Sanders’ respected status and coaching prowess.

Johnson said, “I wouldn’t say it’s become Black America’s team necessarily.
“I believe that we, as African Americans, started supporting whichever team Deion Sanders was going to coach.
” .

The football community responded to Bayless’ post with some swift criticism.
The University of Oregon’s running backs coach, Carlos Locklyn, responded to the post with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. “True ignorance and conscious stupidity are the two things that are most dangerous in the world.

Later that day, George Wrighster shared a clip outlining precisely why Sanders’ team has grown so popular recently and acknowledged that questions like Bayless’ come from a deeper place.
“There has been backlash to the Deion Sanders hype and a lot of people think it’s RACISM,” he wrote.
“But in reality it’s about the fear and jealousy caused by college football’s scarcity.”.

The Buffaloes have a 3-1 record so far this season.
On September, the group will play the unbeaten USC Trojans. 30.


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